Connecticut Historic Houses: Gov Jonathan Trumbull Home and John Trumbull Birthplace 8264811126058039098-blid-9205742423899588687


พรุ่งนี้รวยๆ!! หวยลาวพรุ่งนี้นะ แอดมินหนึ่ง วิเคราะห์ให้แล้ว 26/6/62 มีสำนักเด่นดังต่อไปนี้?


Standing on the Lebanon Connecticut Town Green is the home of Jonathan Trumbull who was Connecticut's Governor at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War and was the only Colonial Governor who supported independence. The house is most widely referred to however, as the birthplace of his son John Trumbull, who became America's great patriot artist during the Revolutionary War and whose historic paintings hang in the United States Capitol Rotunda.